Wednesday 6 March 2013

Eternal Student

Hi cyberworld!

I always thought that I wasn't too bad at technology (for the average person) and prided myself on my ability to quickly understand and navigate new software operating systems.  What I have discovered since starting ICTs for Learning Design, is that a lot has been happening in cyberspace that I have totally missed.  So my view of my capabilities has had a dramatic downgrade.

On the up-side, I think I have always been a good student and I am hoping that will continue with this course.  I really do love to acquire knowledge and learn new things.  And once I understand something I get so excited about it that I just want everyone else to understand it too.  Apparently I'm pretty good at imparting knowledge.  At my previous job (the one I did before being a stay-at-home mum), I was continually given tour groups, work experience students and new staff members to instruct because I seemed to have the "patience" for it.

So enrolling in the Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching seemed to be the next logical step for me.  If I love instructing people so much then why not learn how to do it properly.  Hopefully it's a job I'm also going to love.

So here's to being an eternal student!


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